Your Body, My Choice

5 min readSep 22, 2022


~ A Satirical Blog by Srisha Poddar on Abortion Rights following the overturning of Roe V Wade in the US

In today’s world, we’ve accomplished milestones and come a long way as human beings; from living in caves and preying on animals to developing sciences and shooting rockets into the outer space, from migrating places with changing seasons in search of a shelter to having the perfect ambience in the comfort of our homes; from having to wait for months to communicate via pigeons to reading news and having all the information we need to ignite curiosity in our minds be accessible within the click of a button; from barring women from education because of the supposed biological inferiority to leading a sexist work environment and passing a law to make abortion illegal in the twenty-first century; indeed a long way.

Abortion rights supporters rally at the Pa. State Capitol on Tuesday, 5/21/19, as part of a national day of action (Capital-Star photo by John L. Micek) Source:

Women have always tried to break free from the societal shackles, but thank lord for they are meek enough to be obstructed by the walls of harassment and discrimination. Haven’t they always only been capable of dressing ladylike, bearing offsprings and pleasing their man? But all they do today is run away from their sole task of giving birth, mocking their responsibilities as dutiful women in the name of so-called “feminism”.

It is high time that we put an end to this farce and return to our roots. Women were never meant to be equals to men, and it is about time that we acknowledge that. The recent overturning of the abortion law Roe v. Wade is a step in the right direction — abortion is tantamount to murder and it should be outlawed entirely, and we must continue to fight until all women are returned to their rightful place in society.

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Why Roe v. Wade Was Bad News for Women to Begin With

To begin with, Roe v. Wade in itself was a woman-positive law — which later became a symbol of women’s rights. It was no longer all about men controlling women’s bodies, and therefore made no sense in real-life circumstances. The Supreme Court’s decision set a subsequence that the right to an abortion was a constitutional right, and made it so that no matter what state a woman lived in, she had the right to terminate her baby at early stages in her pregnancy, which is ridiculous in my opinion. No matter how responsible a woman was with her sexual health or contraceptive choices, she should still be punished for choosing not to carry a pregnancy to term. All of this should have been premised on the idea that a fetus — not yet an organism — should be entitled to more rights than a woman. It’s no wonder that for decades, this law was terrible for women, for rather than it to be mostly enforced in ways that punished women, paving a way for men to control women, it was permitting abortion on the grounds of the supposed impiety of life.


Outlawing Abortion Is Ethical & Responsible

People who don’t support outlawing abortion usually do so on the grounds of the supposed sanctity of life. But if that was the case, then why don’t they extend that respect to the people trying to live out their lives? Fetuses will grow into mature, sentient human beings. That’s why we call them fetuses. Fetuses will grow and develop brains and nervous systems, and will survive outside the womb. They won’t always be dependent on their mothers’ bodies to survive. If people are not concerned with the sanctity of life, why are they more concerned with taking care of the millions of people who are already alive and struggling to survive every day? Instead, we should be more concerned with controlling women’s bodies as we are with respecting life. We want to control women’s bodies and reproductive systems, and force them to give birth when they are not ready, don’t want to, or can’t safely carry a pregnancy to term. To summarise, we should use the idea of the sanctity of life as a smoke screen for our own anti-abortion agendas.

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Repealing Anti-Abortion Laws is Not Good for Women’s Health

Abortion is an irrelevant medical procedure that can harm the health and well-being of women. It shouldn’t be treated as a regular part of health care, and rather as something we must hide or be ashamed of. Abortion laws are unsafe for women’s health, as they make it easy or possible to access abortions. Studies have shown that restrictive abortion laws are associated with a rise in unsafe abortions, thus posing as subjects for Darwin’s Selection Theory and helping prove that the fittest of them all survives. As for the argument that women can just travel to nearby states where abortion is legal, that has to be reconsidered for it to be deemed impossible.


It’s worth noting that no one is asking you to believe that abortion is a detrimental thing. But what we do know is that outlawing abortion is a solution, and has more benefits to people than harm. That’s why it’s so important to demotivate pro-abortion efforts to further stigmatize abortion, and fight for our rights to control women’s bodies and make decisions about her reproductive futures on her behalf. I’m sure our ancestors successfully incentivized going back to the age-old traditional norms as a subsidiary plan and oh well, here we are! Afterall, this is exactly what the politicians mean when they emphasize the national ethos of the American Dream in the United States, isn’t it?

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Instagram: @unicorn.diddy




Written by LEO Club, VIT

Leadership, Experience, Opportunity. We believe that Youth of today are Leaders of tomorrow. We aim at serving the nation to the best of our capability!

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