Faults Of Curiosity
~ A Free Verse Poem by Samidha Gupta about the lack of sexual awareness in India
A child is born into the arms of Indian society,
they care for them, they live for them, they progress for them,
but never, they would never let ’em go out and explore
the true meaning of what’s what, that is that!
As soon as they turn 10–11, the itches start in their body,
in the brain too, to know what’s happening, the
curiosity makes them wonder who they are when
they are alone, out in the unexplored world.
With no safe space to speak, they turn to the most
popular place for answers, that is the internet!
the search, the answers, the curiosity is what it all comes down
to, who is monitoring what they are learning?
Our education systems monitors whether a child
knows how to find ‘x’, no matter the question presented,
but doesn’t bother itself with answering the curious
minds and easing their transition into becoming an adult.
Having a partner as an adult, is a challenge faced by all,
the Indian constructs and mentality of this forward society,
manages to skip one of the most important lessons of life, i.e.,
how to be respectful and diligent towards women in life.
One mistake, they weren’t given proper sex education, is it the only one?
They were taught what, why, how it was happening, what’s a puberty phase
just not in time, to be shocked at discovery of blood stains on the back
of the skirt in middle of the day, with blinding pain in abdomen.
A day is enough to turn everything upside down, with a happy
couple, reason? The mystery behind safe sex. They didn’t note
the need of proper usage of condom or just pulling out isn’t safe,
the significance of birth control was never introduced to them.
Acceptance in society is not taught, another note! Broadly, HIV is
associated with lavender, no not the color but sexuality, which half the
population is not ready to accept as reality. Irrespective of sexual
orientation it’s one’s seed, blood and secretions that causes harm.
Another blame to the system, the females are oblivious to themselves
half aren’t aware of what’s follicular phase, and others don’t know
what’s PMS, many live with PCOS but have no clue of the harm and bear the pain of it all, silently because they think they have to, it’s not okay to!
Let it be a gaze or touch, consent in bed or for a hug, the mutual
understanding of YES is a necessity, which partners have no
understanding of, scarring their partners unintentionally, taking
no responsibility for their mistake, in fear and in no remorse of others.
The child grew up, now an adult, with all the misinformation
collected, goes into the real world. Moving forward, they now
know the difference between facts and myths, horrified by
reality, try to take right steps but in the wrong direction, corrected by none.
These faults in the system are the reason why younger and newer
minds go haywire with misinformation, which in turn gets passed
onto the next generation. The stereotypic thoughts, the shamefulness
regarding different sexualities, the not-so-open mindset goes on and on.
Check Out The Author:
Personal Instagram Handle: @sa_midha.m4
Art Page: https://instagram.com/vue_artistiquee?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=