L - Leadership E - Experience O - Opportunity
Our main purpose is to serve all the underprivileged citizens of our nation. We aim to help the young generation pave their path into a bright future by giving them opportunities to enhance their leadership skills, so they can grow into affluent personalities striving to help the society.
Associated with Lions International, the worldwide charity organization with over 1.4 million volunteers, VIT LEO Club furthers the cause with their various endeavours and events conducted throughout the year, all with the goal of spreading our message and helping wherever we can.
On Medium, we aim to publish blogs tackling various social issues, from the underlooked to the ones that are necessary to bring to spotlight, we pride ourselves on our talented writers using their style and voice to talk about these problems with the aim of spreading awareness, empathy and a call to action!
Our other handles -:
Website: LEOCLUBVIT.com
Instagram: @vit_leo_club
Linkedln: https://in.linkedin.com/company/vit-leo-club
Whatsapp: Medium Concerns: +91 7982361916 Club related concerns: +91 7080481323